宋定窑白釉碗 Song Ding White Bowl



一個白胎白釉的定窑中型碗.胎身很薄,内壁簡單而流暢地刻上花卉,只见聊聊幾筆,郤生動寫意.它的外壁清素無紋飾.色乳黄.出現網狀的釉裂紋,由於用支圈覆燒的方法,故此足圏和底都可以施滿釉,而口沿則無釉露胎,成了芒口.以備放在焼瓷匣的環型的支圏上.芒口上鑲了銅邊, 那原本只是為了遮醜的,後來反而成了一種極具時代性的藝術装飾,被廣泛推祟欣賞.

An ivory white glazed medium size bowl. The body is very thin. Inside is engraved with floral pattern. The strokes are free flowing and precise, a lively expression of the artisan’s expiration. The outside is plain. The surface is full of fine crackles. By using the inverted firing techniques, the rim could not have glaze on while allowing the foot ring to be fully glazed. In order to cover the rugged texture a copper protection layer was applied to the rim.
Over time this compensation fix becomes an attraction of the later days, highly admired and loved today. Circa North Song (AD 960-1127).
Diameter 15.7 cm. Height 7.3cm