耀州青釉刻花梅瓶 Carved Yaozhou Meiping

一个外形优美的耀州窑梅瓶, 它的通体暗刻了花纹. 三道弦纹把瓶身的装饰菊瓣纹,缠枝莲,莲瓣纹等,整体的刻工和施釉都十分子细,手艺明快嫺熟.

An elegant Yaozhou kiln Meiping (Plum Flower Vase).
It is decorated with chrysanthemum petals, scrolls of flowers, and lotus petals.
Circa Yuen Dynasty.


一个耀州窑梅瓶,它的造型外形优美. 民国许之衡著《饮流斋说瓷》,书中道:“梅瓶口细而颈短,肩极宽博,至胫稍狭, 抵于足微丰,口径之小仅与梅之瘦骨相称,故名梅瓶。” 小口宽肩长身短项足微歛而平底“.它的通体暗刻了花纹. 三道弦纹把瓶身的装饰分为了四部份. 近颈的地方是菊瓣纹,主体是缠枝莲,下部是莲瓣纹,近足部的地方留着白. 底满釉. 只有圈足边的小部份地方露胎. 整体的刻工和施釉都十分子细,手艺明快嫺熟。

Carved Yaozhou Meiping
An elegant Yaozhou kiln Meiping (Plum Flower Vase).
The decorations are divided into sections by three ring bands. The top section near the short neck resembles the chrysanthemum petals. The main section is dense scrolls of flowers and vines. Above the blank bottom section are lotus petals.
The whole vase is fully glazed, except the tip of the foot ring. Overall the work has been well executed with master grade workmanship.

Circa Yuen Dynasty 元代.
Height 58.8 cm. Diameter 14.3 cm.