青花鑲銅蓋礶 Ormolu Covered Pot

這原本是一個康熙年的青花小礶,流傳到歐洲後,成了一件名貴物件, 再加上銅裝飾的蓋和底坐.而改成了蓋礶.更顯華麗.
這類蓋礶曾經在荷蘭頗為時尚.當地的人名之謂 Doppotten. (參看附圙) 它的銅質厚重, 鑲工精緻瑞莊.青花彩青翠鲜明.圖案的紋飾很富亜拉伯的風格.上面有三面花瓣形的開光,再伴以卷葉紋.邊沿圍了一 圏三组的紋飾.繪法潚洒流暢. 每一筆都恰到好處.底有雙圈而無款.
Ormolu BW Covered Jar
This cylindrical covered jar is initially a Chinese blue and white jar decorated with flowers and leafy scrolls, accompanying with decorative borders of florets. When it was imported to Europe it became a much more expensive item. People the fitted it with a gilt-bronze lid and base to be a covered jar. It looks attractively grand and graceful.
This kind of covered jar has been a fashion in Netherland. The locals named it as Doppotten in Dutch (Jörg & Van Campen 1997, p.111) . The bronze work was well executed. The design is fine and elegant. The under glaze blue is sharp and intense. The pattern is full of Arabian favour, a popular trend during the early Ching period. The workmanship is professional and of the high grade. (Researched by Mr. H. Van Baarsen)

Circa 1700, Kangxi Period.
Height 17.8 cm. Diameter 9.2 cm


康熙青花鑲銅蓋礶 Ormolu BW Covered Pot